ISERN 2009 Agenda

Sunday, October 11



Location: North Ballroom

Anyone interested in meeting for dinner can meet at the registration booth at 19:30 (7:30pm).

Monday, October 12


Continental Breakfast

Location: North Foyer


Welcome and Local Arrangements

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room


Welcome and New Introductions

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Context: ISERN is open to academic and industrial groups world-wide that are active in experimental software engineering research and willing to adopt the experimental research framework. ISERN members are pairs of organization and contact person. If the contact person leaves the organization, the organization must reapply for membership. Interested organizations may apply by sending an electronic proposal to "isern at" describing their past experience in experimental software engineering research as well as their expectations from a future ISERN membership. Candidates will be invited to observe the ISERN Meeting following their application.

Goal of the session: To facilitate the membership application process by giving an opportunity for candidates to present their research and for observers to introduce themselves.

Session Format: Membership is granted according to a 3-step procedure:

  1. Attending as invited observer at an annual ISERN meeting.
  2. Attending as invited candidate at the following ISERN meeting giving a presentation. Membership is granted if a two-thirds majority of current members approve the application in an email voting after the meeting.
  3. Attending as a full ISERN member all following meetings.
Chair: Dieter Rombach:

Introduction of members, candidates, and observers.

Current members present contact/affiliation changes (1 minute each):

  • VTT
  • University of Helsinki
Candidates give a 5 min presentation each:

  • Institute of Software Chinese Academy of Sciences(ISCAS), Lab for Internet Software Technology
Observers give 2 min introduction without a presentation:

  • Technical University of Helsinki
  • ABB Corporate research

Reports from the 2008 Session Chairs

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

  • Aggregation from Experiments: M. Ciolkowski
  • Applying Empirical Software Engineering to Software Architecture: G. Cantone
  • Guidelines for conducting and reporting qualitative research: C. Seaman
  • Roadmap: R. Selby
  • Aligning ISERN 2010 Milestones and Associated Key: N. Oza
  • Simulation: J. Munch
  • ISERN Experience Factory: A. Jedlitschka
10:15 - 10:45

Coffee Break

Location: Mezzanine Foyer


ESE Strategy & Roadmap Communications

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Chair: Andreas Jedlitschka and Nachi Nagappan

Goals: Develop set of communication plans for ESE Roadmap areas; Capture stories of past ISERN and project future

Context: ESE Roadmap has been focus in last two meetings; We've had quite a few "war story" sessions talking about ISERN history

Approach 1: have groups fill out table/form with area, audience, message, medium, motivation, and feedback columns. Then have each group present their top ones.

Approach 2: Use butcher paper, stickers, markers. Make a "what happened when timeline" and project the next five years. As teams, write up stories of past key events

Facilitators: Vic Basili, Dieter Rombach, Rick Selby, and Mike Barker



Location: Fulton's Crab House

13:45 - 14:15

Open Space / Great Debate

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Chairs / Group-facilitators: Pekka Abrahamsson, Mike Baker

Goals: Collect views and ideas

  • Great Debate: Students don't learn from projects, multiple processors are just a bunch of single processors, social networking isn't technology, cloud computing is just vaporware, software as a service doesn't change the development paradigm
  • Open Space: short-term issues in agile methods vs. long-term issues around architecture/reuse/
  • Open Space: Discuss the current view on short-term issues in agile methods vs. long-term issues around architecture/reuse/ (COTS and Open Source)
  • Open Space: rigor vs. relevance. Goals: Discuss the issues of rigor vs. relevance in different studies, such as literature reviews, case studies and experiments
  • Open Space: free topics (please announce topics)

  • We will need a place to announce topics to be discussed.
  • Whenever a group feels it important enough, it could go into a parallel session.
14:15- 15:45

Transfer: A Reference Curriculum for (E)SE

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Chair: Ricardo Valerdi

Goals: A community of SE educators has developed a reference curriculum for masters' degrees in SE. I propose that Art Pyster, the leader of this group, give ISERN an overview of this initiative. I think it would be of interest since many ISERNers are involved with teaching graduate SE courses.

Context: The website for this project is:

Facilitators: The best person for this presentation would be Prof. Art Pyster of Stevens Institute of Technology (USA).

15:45 - 16:15

Coffee Break

Location: Mezzanine Foyer


Transfer: Problems in publishing industrial studies

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Chairs: Nachi Nagappan

Goals: What to say and what not to say?

Collect experience. The outcome will be used in the guidelines session.

Context: When industrial case studies are performed absolute data cannot be published/released due to confidentiality reasons. How can researcher publish about their work with industry and still present enough for meaningful replication of the studies.

Facilitators: All



Location: Camelia/Dogwood


Wrap-up and plan for Tuesday

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room


ISERN Dinner

Location: The Seas with Nemo and Friends

NOTE: Bus leaves at 5:30pm sharp!

Tuesday, October 13

8:00-9:00 Continental Breakfast - North Foyer

Methods: Technology in ESE

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Chair: Mike Barker

Goals: Share and identify useful new technologies for research and education in empirical software engineering.



Approach: as groups, consider your use of twitter, blog, wiki, moodle, Facebook, SecondLife, MySpace, videoconference, webinar, etc. What are you doing with them? How can we best use them as part of empirical research, software engineering, and education?

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

Location: Mezzanine Foyer


Application: Software Architecture

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Chairs: Jens Knodel and Andreas Jedlitschka

Goals: How to plan good studies to assess the impact of software architecture?

Context: Recently, an increasing number of studies appear assessing the impact of architectures. However, we are seeking for a "perfect" way of designing studies in that area.

This session can be seen as a follow-up of last years' Architecture session.





Location: Portobello


Application: GQM+

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Chairs: Barbara Russo and Jurgen Munch

Goals: Integrating experiences on the use and adoption of the classical GQM. What is the potential of GQM and its extensions to business goals and strategies?

Context: Classical GQM has been extensively used in Software Engineering to provide researchers and practitioners with a powerful deductive instrument to measure software products and processes. Recently this approach has been extended and integrated into frameworks that capture the business perspective of measurement in any organization, not only those producing software. This session will explore the current and future potential of the classical GQM in different domains and contexts of use.

Method: Aggregation/Generalization from empirical studies

Location: Camelia/Dogwood

Chairs: Marcus Ciolkowski

Goals: From the ISERN2008 session definition: Aggregation should be taken to mean the combination of the results of more than one experiment to generate pieces of knowledge that can be used in practice to develop software.

Different techniques, ranging from meta analysis to quantitative synthesis, need to be employed to achieve an effective aggregation: Discussion topics could include

    * Progress report since ISERN 2008 (e.g., quantitative example aggregation for PBR)

    * Challenges in research/industrial projects: In Germany, two large projects have started with a focus on empirical studies. Aggregation of different types of studies plays a major role.

Context: This session would continue the ISERN 2008 session

Facilitators: Natalia Juristo, Forrest Shull


15:30 - 16:00

Coffee Break

Location: Mezzanine Foyer


Transfer: Guidelines for reporting empirical studies

Location: Narcissus/Orange Room

Chair: Dieter Rombach

Goals: Action plan for enforcing guidelines

Context: Recently, several proposals for guidelines have been discussed. However, it seems that they are not enforced. What are the reasons? Is it possible to enforce guidelines, e.g., by journals?

Facilitators: A. Jedlitschka, M. Host, J. Carver


Location: Camelia/Dogwood


ISERN Business

Chair: Dieter Rombach