Author's Kit - initial submission
All papers must be submitted through the web-based submission system in PDF format. The link is here or at the top of the menu. Papers are limited to 10 pages (4 pages for short papers), must be written in English, and be formatted according to the ACM authoring guidelines. Papers which exceed the page limit, are outside the scope of the symposium, or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected without review.
Author's Kit - accepted camera ready
Camera-ready full papers are limited to 10 pages (no extra pages allowed), Camera-ready short papers are limited to 4 pages (no extra pages allowed), and Camera-ready posters are limited to 1 page (no extra pages allowed). All papers must be formatted according to ACM's Authoring Guidelines. Submissions are made to the address The deadline for accepted full papers is June, 28, 2010, for short papers and posters July, 26, 2010 . Each submission must include:
- Final PDF file of your submission. Please ensure that all fonts are embedded within the PDF file;
- Source files of your paper (Latex, Word, or WordPerfect files), images (please, ensure at least 300dpi) and any other material required to build the final PDF (e.g. BibTeX files);
- A properly filled and signed ACM copyright form, available here;
ESEM’10, September 16-17, 2010, Bolzano-Bozen, Italy.
Copyright 2010 ACM 978-1-4503-0039-01/10/09…$10.00.
After you complete the revision of the paper, and collect all the material, send it to Please use the following naming convention: as subject use [ESEM2010] <your easychair paper's id>. Additionally, please name all the files that you submit by preceding them with <your paper's id>_<autor1>_<autor2>_<autorn>.
Please note that at least one author per accepted paper must register to the conference by the deadline.